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Lymington CE Infant School

New Entrants September 2024

This page is for parents/carers whose child has been offered a place to start school in Year R at Lymington CE infant School in September 2024.


Thank you to all opur new parents for confirming your place and for providing the necessary evidence. It was lovely to meet many of you and we warmly welcome you into our school family!

We invite you to our Parent Induction Meeting on Wednesday 5th June at 7pm.  This is for parents only and is an opportunity to find out more about our school, meet the team and find out key information about your child's transition to school in September.

As part of the Induction process your child will have the opportunity to visit school on three occasions in the Summer Term when they will meet their new teacher and familiarise themselves with their new classroom. These sessions will last approximately 30-45 minutes and will take place on the following dates:

Induction Visits in the Summer term – Please note the following dates;

Monday 17th June in the afternoon - This will be a 30 minute rhyme and story time for parents and children together.

Wednesday 3rd July in the morning  - This will be a 45 minute session. You are invited to settle your child into the classroom and join us for an informal coffee in the music room while you wait.

Tuesday 9th July in the morning  This will be an hour session.  We hope you will be able to leave your child to stay and play for this session.

Starting school is a milestone for both you and your child and is a time to be celebrated.  We really look forward to meeting you and working together to provide your child with the best possible start to their school life.

We will continue to post useful information on this page throughout the Summer term.

Are you eligible for Pupil Premium?

You may be eligible if you or your partner receive:

  • Income Support
  • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
    the guaranteed element of Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)
  • Working Tax Credit run-on – paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
  • Universal Credit – if you apply on or after 1 April 2018 your household income must be less than £7,400 a year (after tax and not including any benefits you get

Click here to see if you are eligible

It is a quick and simple online form and the only information you will need is:

  • Your own name and date of birth
  • Contact details
  • National Insurance Number or National Asylum Seekers Number
  • Child’s name and date of birth
  • School your child is attending/will attend                                                                                                                               

There are so many benefits—not just a free meal:

  • One free after school club
  • Free school sweater annually
  • Free P.E Kit Bag
  • Subsidised music tuition

School meals

We hope your child will enjoy school meals, cooked on site by our Education Catering team! You will find details of school meals by following the link below;

 Education Catering Website 

Education Catering provides a variety of options to children with special dietary needs.  Should your child have a medical need requiring an adapted menu, you must register your child's information on the Education Catering online portal by Monday 1st July. 

Menus will be approved by an NHS dietician over the summer and appear in the portal for schools and parents to view ready for September if this is completed on time. Please register any special requirements on; 

Special Diet Registration

School Uniform


 Useful Information for Parents of Children Starting School


Daily Structure in Year R


How Can I Support My Child To Be Ready For School?


Information Booklet 2024


School Readiness Chart


Lymington Infant School is committed to supporting initiatives to encourage sustainable and active travel on the journey to and from school. We operate a Park & Stride scheme to try and reduce congestion around the school and to increase health benefits for children. We issue parents a parking permit to enable parking in the Barfields Car park or at the back Town Hall car park at drop off and pick up times.  For further information and for details regarding our Park and Stride scheme, please navigate to our 'Travel to School' page

Travel To School