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Lymington CE Infant School

Look at the exciting things we do in Reception!

Year R

Knowledge Organisers

EYFS Knowledge Organiser Marvellous Me 

EYFS Knowledge Organiser Lets Celebrate

EYFS Knowledge Organiser Amazing Animals

EYFS Knowledge Organiser Come Outside

EYFS Knowledge Organiser Our Community

EYFS Knowledge Organiser Terrific Tales

Curriculum Map

We follow a planned course throughout Reception Year

 Reception Curriculum Map

Log in to your child’s learning journal

Learning in Year R


PE Days

Our PE lessons are Friday mornings. The children take part in other fitness activities such as Big Bikes and Parachute games on Monday and Tuesday afternoons.

Supporting Your Child to Read

Please find all the information covered in the session 'Supporting Your Child to Read' below. Feel free to pop in and discuss this further with your child's class teacher. 

Supporting your child to read powerpoint