We are part of a National schools award scheme called Modeshift Stars (Sustainable Travel Accreditation and Recognition). This scheme was established to recognise school that have demonstrated excellence in supporting cycling, walking and other forms of sustainable travel. Modeshift Stars aims to improve the health and wellbeing of young people and we are delighted and very proud to have achieved our gold award!
Lymington Infant and Junior Park and Stride map
We are working hard on our school travel plan to ensure children's safety and to promote safer and healthier ways to travel to school at the start and end of the school day.
In order to make the school a safer place and achieve this, we ask that parents/carers consider the following:
- Walk, scoot or cycle to school (we have plenty of storage for bikes and scooters)
- Use the 'Park & Stride' scheme (see on this page for details of this initiative)
- When parking, please consider local residents - do not block driveways or cause any obstruction; do not park close to junctions
Please abide by the Highway Code
Rule 243
Do not stop or park;
- near a school entrance
- anywhere you would prevent access for Emergency Services
- opposite or within 10 metres (32 feet) of a junction, except in an authorised parking space
- in front of an entrance to a property
- on a bend.
Rule 224;
Parking on the pavement can obstruct and seriously inconvenience pedestrians, people in wheelchairs or with visual impairments and people with prams or pushchairs. Please adhere to this guidance.
Travel to School

Please see below for our 'Excellent Level' School Travel Plan
To help encourage as many families to actively travel to and from school as possible we held a Bling your Bike/Bling your Scooter day! We held a competition for the best decorated bike or scooter and the children did a parade around the school playground. Take a look at the pictures to look at the amazing creations!
Park and Stride
We operate a Park & Stride scheme to try and reduce congestion around the school and to increase health benefits for children.
We encourage parents who usually drive to school to use the designated car parks at Barfields or the Town Hall. In order to support the scheme, New Forest District Council have kindly agreed that our parents can use these facilities during pick-up and drop-off. We are very grateful for their support with this scheme. As you can see below, the two car parks, Barfields and the Town hall car park are a very short walk away from the school. A parking permit is provided free of charge for parents who wish to use this facility. Please ask at the school office.
Lymington Infant and Junior Park and Stride Map
Please see the booklet on the link below which has been produced to provide parents with the information and tools they need to find out the options available when their children start school, even if it’s choosing an alternative to the car once or twice a week.
How Could You Travel to School?